March 2018

I am excited to share that a second manuscript titled, When God Spoke to Me, He Said… has been completed. (I have also completed a third manuscript titled, A Hilarious Moment! for those who cherish laughter and for those who are learning.)  Presently, I am seeking a publisher! I believe this second book will open the eyes of the budding Christian by offering divinely guided insight that is so needed ahead of a trial for success during the trial, as well as offering a refreshing approach to viewing life’s setbacks. This book also provides enriching and challenging food for thought for the mature at heart through a wide range of personal life stories seasoned by the heart of God. The titles of the stories in this book reveal the focus of the message. I’ll give you a little peek. Here are a few of the titles—I Heard You Call My Name, Sometimes It’s Just to Learn, Desert of Broken Dreams, Baggage, On Assignment From God, Wrestling With The Arm of God, and When Freedom Came. Pearls of wisdom are often clad in human form, and we can sometimes miss these pearls if not paying attention, and that’s where my book comes in. Gleaned from what I’ve learned about enemy attacks, disheartening setbacks, and trials and triumphs of life, the stories in my book will place spiritual food on the table to equip the reader for a journey that is sure to be remembered. This book is filled with Scriptures, Biblical perspectives, and personal life messages that culminate in narratives and poetic expressions that reveal just how precious we are in the eyes of God!


Chapter One—“Vera.†I heard someone call out my name. It was late, or maybe it was really early in the wee hours of the morning. I don’t remember anymore, but I knew it was after I’d gone to bed and had fallen into a deep sleep. I was so groggy with sleep when I heard my name called out that all I could do was raise up on one elbow and reply back to the Voice, “Huh?†Now that should have told me something. Although I was waking from a sound sleep, I should have realized that something divine was taking place because the Voice that I heard was not alarming. Right after hearing my name called, I heard these words spoken to me–“You won’t make any mistakes on that typing test,†and to that, I replied, “I don’t believe You.†Then I laid my head back down and fell again into a restful sleep. When I woke up that morning, I never even gave this incident a single thought. I’d never experienced anything like this before, wasn’t expecting anything like this to happen, didn’t know what to do with something like this, or even how to think about it. But years later, when I would recall this incident, I would think about Moses and how he had not heard his name called out before that time with the burning bush, and neither had young Samuel before that night in the temple. And neither had Paul on the Damascus Road, yet all of them had responded in faith to the Voice they heard. When I came to understand what had really taken place in the wee hours of that morning and reflect on my own response, my heart was truly saddened…

Chapter Two—Many of us are quick to holler Satan when life is not agreeing with us. But what we may want to do is consider the hand of the Lord. Maybe it is His hand pressing down upon us, His hand orchestrating the circumstances in our lives, and we are giving credit to the enemy. Although Satan may very well be the instrument, the work under construction is from the Lord.

Chapter Three—I often think about King David. While waiting to be rescued out of the hands of King Saul, David busied himself with encouraging the downhearted that united with him as he hid in the cave of Adullam. In Verses 1 and 2 of First Samuel 22, we are told, “So David departed and escaped to the cave of Adullam; and when his brothers and all his father’s house heard of it, they went down there to him. And everybody in distress or debt or discontented gathered to him, and he became a commander over them. And there were with him about 400 men.†Although deep in sorrow, David was able to encourage and lead others. David continued to live.

Chapter Four—There will always be roadblocks–people, circumstances, unfamiliar places, just to name a few things that come to hinder our purpose. Our Heavenly Father does not move us through roadblocks for the purpose of harming us but to bring glory to Himself and victory to us on a path that is sometimes encumbered with snares and the bitterest of experiences…When we want to experience more than the ordinary, we must journey toward experiences that we would not have included in our life stories. How else would we have a voice and the strength to help others that are trailing behind? As the Psalmist proclaims to the weary of heart–“Weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning.â€

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A pen and pencil sitting on top of an open book.

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